FAQs & Contact

Can I register for a PBB course if I'm already enrolled in another school Divison?

Grade 9 - No. students are only able to be enrolled in one school.

Grade 10-12 - Yes! You may be able register for up to 10 online credits with Palliser Beyond Borders while registered with another school division.

Are online classes viewed the same as classes from traditional schools for graduation and post-secondary entrance purposes??

Yes. PBB follows the Alberta Education curriculum that all public schools in Alberta follow. Upon successfully completing a class, the credits students receive from PBB are the same as from any other Alberta High School.

How does student-teacher interaction work?

For grade 9 students, there are live virtual classes everyday hosted through a Google Meet. Students are expected to attend these classes (attendance will be taken) with their cameras on and microphones available for answering questions.

For high school core classes, there are two live virtual sessions hosted through a Google Meet per week. Students who can attend these sessions are expected to attend. Teachers are also available to students through individual meetings (synchronous) and through Chat or email (asynchronous).

How is student progress monitored and reported?

Student attendance is reported through Edsby. For grade 9 students, attendance is reported every period. For high school students, attendance is reported once per week. High school students who are reported as absent have not demonstrated one of the following over the previous week:

  • Attending live sessions or communicating with their teacher.
  • Completing instructional activities in Moodle.
  • Submitting assignments or completing quizzes or exams.

Academic progress is reported through Edsby, Moodle, and/or Google Classroom.

How does the enrollment process work?

For students who currently attend a Palliser school, a course request will be submitted by the school for the student. This may be completed by a member of the administration or by the Learning Commons Facilitator. Students will receive an email from PBB indicating that they have been enrolled in a course with PBB.

For students from a non-Palliser school or students who are registering in grade 9 with PBB, upon reception of a registration form, PBB's Principal will be in contact to complete an intake meeting. During this meeting any questions that a student or family may have will be answered and student expectations will be reviewed. Students who are new to PBB will then be enrolled in our Getting Online (GO) orientation course and connected with a teacher advisor to select their next course(s). Students will not be enrolled in any additional courses until the GO course has been completed.

How does PBB foster social interaction among students?

Students are expected to have their cameras on while in class. This allows teachers and other students to connect with a person and not just an avatar.

PBB offers students opportunities such as our Student Leadership Committee  to connect with like-minded students outside of class time, to plan events and help steer the direction of PBB.

PBB also holds monthly themed assemblies to celebrate student successes and engage with each other in games (for prizes!).

What kind of counseling or support services does PBB offer?

Students with a primary registration at PBB will be assigned a teacher advisor. This individual will be with the student for the entirety of their time with PBB and be available to provide academic counselling (specific to graduation/course planning) and career counselling (specific to what comes after high school).

PBB students with specific academic needs can be connected with our Learning Support Teacher (LST) to explore academic accommodations for both in class and Provincial assessments. PBB will create IPPs for students who require them and recognize IPPs from other schools.

All PBB students also have access to professional counsellors through Palliser's Family School Liaison program. This program provides a number of services, with the goals of strengthening and stabilizing school and family life, promoting healthy relationships among family, child/youth and school, and increasing mental health capacity in children and youth.

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